Installing ImageMagick on a cPanel Server

This post is obsolete as of cPanel 11.36. To install ImageMagick:  yum -y install ImageMagick-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel For PHP: /usr/bin/pecl install imagick For Perl: yum -y install ImageMagick-perl (You may need to temporarily remove “perl*” from /etc/yum.conf) LEGACY VERSION INSTALLATION: Some time in earlier 2009 cPanel added a new script to their repository to allow cPanel…

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Statistics Management

One of the more important features to customers is the ability to view and analyze their web traffic. CPanel offers three statistics programs for end users to view their stats, all of which are free and open source: Analog AwStats Webalizer Configuring Stats In WHM, go to Statistics Software Configuration and select which statistics programs…

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10 Free Monitoring Solutions to Consider

Server and network monitoring can be crucial to a host’s success. I mean, how embarrassing is it when your customers are aware of downtime before you are? You don’t have to pay big bucks or spend loads of time setting up monitoring for your server. We’ve compiled a list of free monitoring solutions you can use to guarantee minimal downtime for your users, and show customers how reliable your service is!…

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Installing PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is an open-source database server similar (but different) than MySQL. cPanel has a built-in installer for setting up PostgreSQL easily. Keep in mind that the actual version of PostgreSQL you get depends on your OS version. For instance, CentOS 4 users will likely get version 7, CentOS 5 will get version 8. First, run…

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Reinstalling Webmail

I've experienced from time to time a problem with webmail functioning after cPanel updates, particularly on larger servers. You can reinstall all three webmail applications, while not disrupting user content, with the following commands: Roundcube: /usr/local/cp The WordPress Classroom anel/bin/update-roundcube –force Horde: /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-horde –force or /scripts/fullhordereset Squirrelmail /usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-squirrelmail –force zp8497586rq…

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cPanel: Installing Mod_Python on Apache 2

Note: It is preferred to use mod_wsgi instead of mod_python. If you want to use mod_python in Apache on a cPanel server, you’ll basically need to compile the module manually and load it into the Apache configuration: yum -y install subversion (IF it’s not already installed) svn co mod_python cd mod_python ./configure –with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs make…

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