Elevate: Unable to backup EA4 profile

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When trying to upgrade from CentOS to AlmaLinux, cPanel 110 and earlier might experience the following error:

[INFO] E Sysup: Needed system packages were not installed: ea-cpanel-tools, ea-profiles-cpanel
2023-01-07 15:33:16 (3929) [INFO]
2023-01-07 15:33:16 (3410) [WARN] /scripts/sysup failed, please fix it and rerun it before upgrading.
2023-01-07 15:33:16 (2727) [WARN] *** Elevation Blocker detected: ***

This is caused by the following script:

/usr/local/bin/ea_current_to_profile –target-os=AlmaLinux_8

The issue is invalid JSON in the package manifest.

Edit /etc/cpanel/ea4/profiles/pkg-manifest.json and remove the extra comma at the end of any list, for example:

         "ea-php82-php-sourceguardian",  <---- that comma

Then re-run Elevate and it should proceed.


  1. Casey O'Connor Reply

    Thank you Vanessa V.
    Found this after googling the errors I found during the elevation from Cent7 to Alma8 however, the package with the extra comma I found was different than what you have here, but still the same error with malformed json.
    After fixing that issue I was able to successfully elevate to Alma8 after 4 long painful hours of the process.
    I really think I360 was slowing things down in the process but was hard to tell for sure as most of the tools and packages get removed so you cant really monitor processes.
    I have a ton of servers that need to upgrade soon and I am going to try getting rid of I360 first on the next run and see if that makes a difference.
    You used to work at IMH didn’t you? Your name looks familiar and I want to say you had left IMH for cPanel. If so congrats on your path and thanks for sharing what you found for us other admins.

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